Increased income tax collection is going to be a major consequence of going cashless and this should promise a future of lower taxes and higher purchase power soon, says Anil Rego
Whether salaried or running your own business, it's about time to get your investment proofs in tax-saving instruments ready for filing your income tax returns later this year.
Are you debating between buying physical gold and investing in paper gold schemes or ETFs? Anil Rego has the answer
There are 7 key rules one can follow to ensure that the chances of such fraud are almost reduced to a negligible level when shopping online, says Anil Rego
Does it make sense to hold more than one residential property? Does the investment really give very high returns as we Indians tend to presume? Anil Rego takes you through the ups and downs of investing in residential properties
If you have missed your tax filing deadline, there is not much to fret if your tax dues are fully paid, says Anil Rego
Financial planning need not be boring or solely be a man's job. It can be made fun and be used as another way to increase a couple's closeness and happiness! Try it!
The perils mentioned here may seem few in number, but each of it encompasses an entire set of dangers posed by the free online tax filing offers.
In an online chat with readers on July 8, Anil Rego answered their tax queries. Here's the chat transcript in case you missed the chat
Here are some mistakes taxpayers make and how to avoid them...
Here's why ULIPs have become an attractive long-term investment option
Many house owners are not aware of this option and hence end up taking personal loans to renovate their homes
Mutual fund investments come in various shapes and forms -- ranging from the passive index funds to the actively managed funds. Two of the most popular mutual fund types are balanced funds and dynamic funds. Let us take a deeper look at what each one is and how they are different.
Besides return and risk, investors also need to weigh the liquidity of the instrument they are putting money in
Before you take the leap, get your financial house in order
If your child is 20 when s/he decides to pursue higher eduction and her/his current age is 3 years, then here's a plan for you...
There are instances where the insurance company will not pay out claims... Beware!
Home loan cover from the lender may not be the best option
A good advisor can make or break your financial future
Used prudently, plastic money is among the most useful, powerful and non-polluting kind of plastic invented. Be smart with it!